Just Not Feeling Right Following an Infection? It Could be Myocarditis

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: October 26, 2020

Just Not Feeling Right Following an Infection? It Could be Myocarditis If you have been sick with a systemic infection occasionally the virus can enter the heart. Your body produces cells to fight the virus to try and heal you. These cells release chemicals which can sometimes inflame the heart muscle.  Inflammation of the heart

Cardiomyopathy – Signs & Symptoms

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: October 23, 2020

Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscles which makes it more difficult for the heart to do its job and pump blood to the rest of the body. If left untreated it can lead to heart failure. Cardiomyopathy is not genetic in nature, instead it stems from viral infections, nutritional deficiencies, undergoing chemotherapy for

A Look at What Smoking Does to Your Heart – Cigarettes and Cannabis

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: October 21, 2020

While smoking back in the day was considered cool and trendy it became apparent 50 years ago that smoking cigarettes was potentially very harmful to your health. Away went the billboards and magazine ads glorifying the Marlboro Man and smoking as socially hip and in came the warning labels. It is now widely known that

The High Price of Uncontrolled Hypertension (Blood Pressure)

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: October 7, 2020

They don’t call hypertension “the silent killer” for nothing. You can have elevated blood pressure and not even realize it until its too late if you don’t keep up on monitoring during regular check up’s. High blood pressure effects nearly 30% of Americans and is the listed cause for death for 60,000 per year. Do

Serenity is good for the heart – how to keep a peaceful heart in troubling times

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: October 2, 2020

One of the top issues right now plaguing society is stress. Stress leads to anxiety, burn out, unwarranted anger outbursts, frustration, unhappiness, and can even lead into disease including heart disease if it is allowed to go unchecked for too long. You might question the ability to be serene amongst this storm we all seem