Venous disease currently affects over half of the U.S. population and is most common in women and people over fifty. Of those affected, only 10 to 15 percent of men and 20 to 25 percent of women will show visible symptoms in the form of spider or varicose veins. Non-visible symptoms include itching, burning, swelling, and/or a general feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the legs, symptoms that often get progressively worse throughout the day. A number of factors can increase a person’s risk for developing venous disease, including heredity, age, gender, obesity, pregnancy, and whether a person’s job requires them to sit or stand for prolonged periods of time.
Spider veins, technically referred to as telangiectasia, are created when there is too much pressure on your veins. They appear as tiny veins in a web-like grouping, thus the name Spider veins. Normally this condition is not painful. It can, however, create swelling and itching of the skin.
Spider veins commonly appear on the face and legs. The causes are normally from heredity, obesity, sun exposure, age, standing or sitting for long periods of time, and hormonal changes. Spider veins are normally treated for cosmetic reasons.
Read MoreVaricose veins affect millions of American every year. This painful and unsightly condition occurs when healthy veins, normally in your legs, become damaged. The valves within a varicose vein do not close properly, causing blood to pool in that particular vein. The pressure of this additional amount of fluid within the veins weakens the vein walls. All of this results in veins that you notice “pop up” and appear blue-ish to purple-ish. They have a snake-like manner of crawling up your leg.
Read MorePelvic Congestion Syndrome is a painful condition that affects many women. Women who have this experience heaviness and pain the lower abdominal and lower back area. This is caused by varicose veins in the pelvic region. Since these damaged veins are deep in the abdomen and are not visible from the skin, it can be difficult to come to a diagnosis. This is due to the fact that there are many causes for pelvic
Read MoreSclerotherapy is a procedure that eliminates spider veins and varicose veins by means of a saline injection directly into the veins. The solution blocks the blood flow to the affected vein, causing it to clot. Once clotted, your blood will be directed into other, healthier veins. The damaged vein will eventually turn to scar tissue and be absorbed into your body.
Read MoreIf you are dealing with varicose veins, your Vein Specialist may suggest as a treatment option that you undergo a microphlebectomy.
A micophlebectomy is a minimally invasive surgery which deals with the removal of a large or medium-sized varicose vein through tiny incisions about the size of a poke from a sharp pencil. The access points are 2-3mm and do not usually require any stitches, just a little piece of adhesive tape (butterfly stitch).
Read MoreWhen it has been determined that thermal ablation (heat) will not work for venous closure for a patient, endogenous chemoablation is a consideration.
Endovenous chemoablation sometimes referred to as ECA, is performed on an outpatient basis. No sedation is required. A chemical solution is injected into the damaged veins to produce endothelial destruction which is followed by the formation of fibrotic cords and eventually reabsorbed into the surrounding tissues. The osmotic agent Hypertonic Saline has been used for decades to treat smaller varicose veins and spider veins. They are now being used to treat larger veins as well.
Read MoreDeep vein thrombosis (DVT) is defined as a blood clot that occurs within one of the body’s deep veins, and is most commonly found in the legs though at times can be present in the arms. Untreated DVT can result in a couple of very serious conditions and even death, so getting to your physician quickly for evaluation is essential. Blood clots prevent the flow of blood past the point of blockage, and, depending on the size of the clot, can result in tissue death and gangrene, sometimes requiring amputation of the affected limb. In the worst-case scenario, untreated clots can break off and travel to the lungs, causing a potentially fatal condition called pulmonary embolism (PE).
Read MoreMay Thurner Syndrome is known by several names – iliocaval compression syndrome, Cockett syndrome or iliac vein compression syndrome. This affliction is an anatomical variant where the right iliac artery compressed the left iliac vein against the fifth lumbar vertebra. It causes left side vein compression by the right iliac artery which causes deep vein thrombosis in the left iliofemoral.
Read MoreThe radiofrequency ablation procedure is used primarily in the treatment of truncal varicose veins in the legs though it can be used in other areas of the body. It utilizes radiofrequency energy (ele`ctricity) to heat up, collapse and in turn, seal off the blood vessels.
Ultrasound is used to map the course of veins to be treated. The doctor will then use a very thin catheter guided through a tiny incision leading into the diseased vein usually setting the entrance point in the groin area.
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