When to See a Cardiologist in Tampa, Florida

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: June 28, 2022

When to See a Cardiologist in Tampa, Florida

Think you may need to see a Cardiologist? Here are some ways to know…

Most people think about going to the doctor when they don’t feel well, but they may also wait until their annual physical with their family doctor to see if they need to see a cardiologist. Before you see a cardiologist, it’s important to determine if the symptoms are severe enough to warrant a visit.

  1. You have been given a Physician’s Recommendation

If warranted, your doctor should recommend seeing a cardiologist. Doing so will help you avoid experiencing heart disease symptoms in the future and can help you get a correct diagnosis and treatment for anything that is currently an issue.

  1. You are experiencing Heart Pain

Heart-centered pain is scary, especially when you don’t know the cause. Chest pain can come from anxiety, digestive issues, or the heart muscle itself. It is tough to distinguish without a medical exam. If you have chest pain that is not resolving or keeps coming back. It is time to see your doctor.

  1. You have a Family History

If your direct relatives such as your father, mother, or grandparents have had heart disease it’s a good idea to keep an eye on it throughout your life. Regular checkups with your general practitioner as well as a cardiologist may be warranted. Start with your family doctor and let them take the lead in referring you.

  1. Your High Total Cholesterol is High

Your total cholesterol level is the amount of cholesterol in your blood. Having a high level of cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. Make sure to get this number checked regularly with every blood draw.

  1. Consistent High Blood Pressure Readings Over Time

High blood pressure should be monitored. If the numbers don’t drop back down your physician may recommend diet and lifestyle modifications. If those don’t work, they may suggest blood pressure-lowering medications. Continued hypertension can damage your veins, arteries, and the heart itself.

  1. You Are or Were a Smoker

Smoking is known to increase the risk of heart disease. It does this by decreasing the flow of blood which can cause damage to the heart’s cells. It can also lead to a heart attack.

  1. You are Diabetic

Being diabetic can also increase your risk of heart disease. If you are diabetic it’s a good idea to monitor your heart health as well.

  1. You are going through a Difficult Pregnancy (Preeclampsia)

Both the states of early pregnancy and post-menopause are known to increase a woman’s risk of heart disease. Monitoring your cardiovascular health can help you sail through life changes with more ease and less issues.

  1. You are considering Starting a New Exercise Program

If you have any health issues at all before you start any new exercise program, it’s a great idea to check in with your body by way of your physician and make sure you are up to the challenge. Some exercise programs are too strenuous on the heart and body if you aren’t already in pretty good shape. Many can and should be modified for beginners.

  1. You Have Gum Disease

The health of your gums can be a direct reflection on the health of the rest of your organs, the heart included. If you are dealing with gum disease a visit to your cardiologist is a good idea along with working on your dental habits and healing.


If you have questions or would like to make an appointment please call our office at 813-975-2800 or visit www.tampacardio.com to learn more about associated conditions, treatments we offer, our doctors, and our practice.

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 28/06/2022

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