What the Heart Wants

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: July 12, 2017

what the heart wants tampa cardio

With all of the health information readily available these days from so many sources it can get confusing to try and decipher truth from fiction. Heart disease is one of the number one killers in the United States. Symptoms are often silent and can strike anyone, man or woman of any ethnicity. It is vital to good health to be proactive and take steps to take care of our cardiovascular health.


So, what does the heart want?


The younger you start considering heart health in your daily life decisions, the better your chances are of preventing cardiovascular disease.


  1. Eat a heart-healthy diet: Your heart loves the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Along with these, fish, nuts, whole grains, legumes and seeds are also great for the heart. Try to limit red meat, alcohol, sugar and high-fat dairy.


  1. Participate in regular exercise that raises the heart rate to 50% (to start) to 85% (of the maximum) for 20 to 30 minutes 3-4 times a week. Check with your doctor or cardiologist before beginning any exercise program.


  1. Maintain reasonable body weight. No one is perfect, but trying to stay within 10lbs. of your ideal body weight, give or take a couple of pounds can keep the pressure off of your heart and allow it to work efficiently.


  1. Get your cholesterol checked regularly. This is most important if there is a history of heart disease or high cholesterol in your family.


  1. Keep your teeth healthy with regular dental visits. Dental infections can affect and weaken your heart.


  1. Avoid smoking.


  1. Keep your blood pressure in check, by checking your blood pressure regularly to make sure it stays within the normal range. High blood pressure over time weakens not only veins and arteries, but also the muscle of the heart itself.


  1. Avoid Stress – Stress and anxiety can not only mimic signs of a heart attack, but they can also if left unchecked lead to an actual heart attack, stroke or other issues down the road.


For more information on heart and vascular health or to make an appointment if you are in the Tampa, Florida area please visit www.tampacardio.com Tampa Cardiovascular Associates or give us a call by dialing 813-975-2800.

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 12/07/2017

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