Sclerotherapy – Do you need to worry about blood clots?

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: June 21, 2017

Sclerotherapy destroys and breaks down abnormal and damaged veins which are no longer able to function properly and support the body. The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to collapse and stick together and the blood to clot.

Blood can become trapped in segments of these non-working veins.


The question is, does that result in a medical problem for the patient?


The answer is no. The incidence of blood clots forming and becoming a problem for patients who undergo routine treatments like sclerotherapy is extremely rare when proper technique and use of sclerosant solutions is followed. Larger veins treated in this manner do become hard to the touch because it forms a clot. These types of clots, however, are broken down by the body and reabsorbed. The solution becomes diluted in the larger veins and rapidly moved along preventing stasis leading to a clot.


Sclerotherapy is a widely used and very effective treatment for spider and varicose veins. It has been deemed by the AMA a completely safe and virtually painless procedure.


The best place to start if you believe you might be a good candidate is to have a FREE vein screening done to assess the health of your veins. Please visit Tampa Cardiovascular Associates by going to if you are in or near the Tampa, Florida area.

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 21/06/2017

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