Heart Health Statistics for 2020

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: April 2, 2021

heart health 2020 Tampa cardio

Heart disease is still the #1 killer in the United States despite the pandemic. While you may not be hearing a lot about heart disease in the news right now, it unfortunately has not gone anywhere.

Death due to ischemic heart disease has risen 11% across the nation from 2019.  Deaths due to high blood pressure increased 17%. No difference was observed in heart failure or other circulatory conditions. The largest increase was seen in NY City. 164% increase in deaths from high blood pressure.

In the first half of 2020 alone – Jan 1 to Jun 2, 2020, 397,042 Americans died of cardiovascular causes. Of that, 197,731 occurred during the covid out break after March 17th.

Recent studies suggest that due to COVID numbers which may be skewed with some marked as covid deaths that really had underlying heart conditions present already. That means the cardiovascular death statistic should be even higher.

This is alarming news for the country. While we are all focused on COVID we need to return a bit in our focus to the basics of really taking care of ourselves and our families.  Remember to visit your doctor yearly for a full check-up so you can correct any issues early on.

Your heart is at the core of your health. Treat it right and feed it well.

If you do find something, such as high blood pressure, where you need to be referred to a local cardiologist, we would love to offer our services. We have served the residents and visitors to Tampa Bay, Florida for many years and look forward to a wonderful future of helping Floridians feel their every best at every stage of life. This includes services ranging from nutritional counseling and diet planning all the way through the spectrum through heart surgery.




Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 02/04/2021

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