The Dangers of Being Severely Underweight

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: February 4, 2020

Underweight heart health tampa cardio-min

Fad diets and weight loss are always attention-getters. We have an obesity epidemic in the United States entering into 2020. What rarely ever gets talked about are those at the opposite end of the spectrum. Those who have great difficulty gaining or maintaining a healthy weight.

It has long been said and joked about that “You can never be too rich or too thin!” But the truth is that really isn’t a healthy view.

Being significantly underweight can be just as detrimental to a person’s health as being obese.

We would like to say, there is no one set perfect body weight. People have different frame sizes, builds, and genetics at play. What is a healthy weight for one may not feel right for another. Body mass can vary as well. Muscle is more dense than fat. On a scale a man or woman may read as “overweight” but looking at them it can be due to muscle composition. Two people may be exactly the same weight – one could be sedentary, working at a desk all day and getting no exercise and the other may be a pro athlete. There is far more than weight to consider. 

In most cases being underweight is somewhat easy to remedy through the implementation of a proper diet and exercise program as long as the signs are heeded in time.

Potential Pitfalls of Remaining Underweight

Heart Health: A study conducted in Bali produced results showing that those who are underweight are 3.6x more likely to develop coronary heart disease than those of normal weight.

You get sick often: Remaining severely underweight weakens your immune system leaving your body more susceptible to the germs and viruses going around. Your body will have a more difficult time recovering from illness. This can leave you sick more often and for longer periods of time.

Fatigue: Those who are underweight often don’t eat enough, and as a result, they develop nutritional deficiencies missing out on vital nutrients and vitamins that are needed for good health.

Low Mood: Weight loss can directly impact your hormones, especially in women. This fluctuation can result in irritability and moodiness. In extreme cases, being underweight can even lead to anxiety and depression as well.

Body Temperature Regulation Issues: When you’re underweight, oxygen transportation slows down throughout your body, and this is likely to make you feel cold even when you are in warm environments. Furthermore, when you are underweight you possess very little body fat, which in healthy people serves as a protective layer for keeping in the warmth.

Hair Loss: Hair is made from and nourished with proteins in your diet. Without it, hair growth will stop. While it’s normal to lose a small amount of hair each day, if you see excessive hair loss, it could be a sign you are underweight.

Missing or irregular periods: Missing your period can be one of the first and most obvious signs that you are underweight. When your body lacks body fat, it has trouble producing estrogen, a sex hormone that helps to regulate the reproductive cycle in women. Pregnancy, of course, should be checked for first.

At Tampa Cardiovascular Associates, we are proud to offer an onsite nutritionist to address any of your concerns about either weight loss or weight gain. To schedule an appointment, please contact us today by calling (813) 975-2800.

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 04/02/2020

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