Signs You are Underweight

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: August 21, 2015

Sometimes it may seem that nearly everywhere you turn people are talking about the new fad diet or other ways to lose weight. With so much attention in society given to the problem of being overweight, those who are underweight may feel looked over and ignored, as if their problem isn’t actually considered a problem by common standards. However, this could not be further from the truth.

While it is certainly not given as much attention in the media as being overweight, being underweight can be just as detrimental to one’s health as being obese. However, as everyone is different, there are no set rules to follow or a “one size fits all” number when it comes to correct body weight. What is a healthy weight for one person might be the complete opposite for another, and even two people with the exact same gender, age, and height might be healthy at two completely different weights if one is a professional athlete and the other works at a desk all day.

Fortunately, in most cases being underweight is somewhat easy to address through a proper diet and activity regimen, as long as the signs are recognized in time. Read on to learn more about some of the potential indications that you may be underweight.

You feel sick all the time. Being underweight weakens your immune system and leaves you more susceptible to the germs you encounter in your daily life. Furthermore, your body will have a harder time recovering from such illnesses, leaving you sick more often and for longer periods of time.

You have trouble regulating your body temperature. When you’re underweight, oxygen transportation slows down throughout your body, and this is likely to make you feel cold even when you are in warm environments. Furthermore, when you are underweight you possess very little body fat, which in healthy people serves as a protective layer for keeping in warmth.

You are always tired. People who are underweight often don’t eat enough, and as a result they miss out on many of the vital nutrients and vitamins that are needed for good health. When your body lacks vitamin B and iron, anemia may develop, resulting in poor concentration, trouble focusing, and a severe loss of energy.

You’ve lost hair. Your body needs protein and nutrients in order to maintain a healthy level of hair growth. While it’s normal for adults to lose a small amount of hair each day, if you notice excessive hair loss, especially if the hair loss extends to areas of your body beyond just your head, then it could be a sign you are underweight.

You are moody. Weight loss can heavily impact your body’s hormones, especially in women, and this fluctuation can result in an increase in irritability and moodiness. In extreme cases, being underweight can even lead to anxiety and depression if left untreated for too long.

You have missed your period and you’re not pregnant. If you are a woman, missing your period can be one of the first and most obvious signs that you are underweight. This is because when your body lacks body fat, it has trouble producing the hormone estrogen, a sex hormone which helps to regulate the reproductive cycle in women.

At Tampa Cardiovascular Associates, we are proud to offer an onsite nutritionist to address any of your concerns about either weight loss or weight gain. To schedule an appointment, please contact us today by calling (813) 975-2800.

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 21/08/2015

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