How a Paleo Diet Affects the Heart

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: March 1, 2022

Paleo diet heart health tampa cardio

Cardiovascular disease is responsible for 30% of all deaths worldwide. Because of this, it is important to take note of things that may negatively impact your heart health.

The Paleo diet is based on foods commonly eaten during the Stone Age. This diet suggests eating things that were around during that time and eliminating processed, packaged, sugar, salt, and frozen foods. It is based around a diet of lean meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables, roots, and nuts. This dietary pattern contains lower sodium, whereas it has high contents of protein and some micronutrients such as vitamins C and E, carotenes, and fiber with lower calorie intake from carbohydrate and processed fats.

The idea is that in indigenous tribes who ate this way the incidences of heart disease were low. The standard Western diet has been implicated in the rise of heart problems due to high salt, preservatives, and processed foods.

The Paleo way of eating has shown positive effects on energy, insulin sensitivity, and body composition yet the diet remains controversial. This is due to the effects on cardiometabolic markers.

According to a 2019 study published in the European Journal of Nutrition, those individuals following the Paleo diet had raised levels of a compound that’s associated with an increased risk of heart disease, compared to those following a more traditional diet. Called trimethylamine-n-oxide (TMAO), this important biomarker originates in the gut.

In this study, participants showed markedly less beneficial gut bacteria overall, which is believed to possibly lead to long-term health issues.

While eating naturally sourced foods is a great way to boost your health, we also do not see a reason to remove foods from your diet that have heart health benefits. High-fiber foods such as whole grains and legumes help to decrease heart disease, prevent constipation, and help stabilize blood sugar levels. Dairy such as kefir and yogurt are good sources of probiotics that help regulate digestive health.

Nuts and seeds are fantastic for you but make sure you are choosing raw. Some of the oils used for roasting can be tough to digest and often refined sugars are added.

If you choose to do the paleo diet, be mindful and realize it should be a lifestyle change that you can live with long-term, not a short-term crash diet – crash diets are also incredibly dangerous to your heart health. If you choose to lose weight, do it slowly and sensibly. It is wise to consult a dietician/nutritionist for advice on your personal health. At Tampa Cardiovascular Associates we offer nutritional counseling as well as cardiology and vein services.




Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 01/03/2022

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