February is American Heart Month

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: February 1, 2016

Heart disease is the number one killer of men and women, so having the support of our government in educating Americans is of utmost importance. President Lyndon B. Johnson started the American Heart Month campaign in 1964 and asked that every year the President of the United States declares a proclamation of the fight against heart disease. President Barrack Obama announced the 2016 declaration and named February 5, 2016 “Wear Red Day” to honor people who have died from heart disease. His administration backs several healthcare campaigns such as Million Hearts, Let’s Move! and the Affordable Care Act.

It is fitting that February, the month that most of us celebrate Valentine’s Day, has been assigned the American Heart Month.  By giving heart health its own month, awareness of heart disease is put at the forefront of social media, corporations and events throughout the United States. This exposure helps to educate people on preventative heart measures.

The best Valentine’s Day gift that you can give to yourself is the gift of heart health. You have the power to reduce the possibility of suffering from heart conditions. This can be done through the following lifestyle modifications:

  • Exercise daily. You don’t need to become a marathon runner overnight to see the benefits of exercise. Even a 15 minute walk every day will make a difference. Not only will you help your heart stay healthy, you will find an increase in energy and an overall feeling of wellbeing.
  • Dietary modifications. Eating a heart healthy diet is an easy avenue to keeping your heart strong. Berries, fish high in omega-3, flax seed, oatmeal, dark beans, fruits rich in beta-carotene, dark chocolate, and tomatoes are some heart healthy foods that you can incorporate into your daily diet. Seek out a nutritionist for a customized plan for your body.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking is known to be the cause of many diseases in the body, high blood pressure being one of them. Quitting this habit will decrease your odds of heart disease and stroke.

Your heart has pumped nutrient rich blood through your body nonstop since before you were born, isn’t it only fair that you give back by helping to make its job easier? Prevention is key to maintaining your heart health. If you would like to be evaluated by our physicians, please contact Tampa Cardiovascular Specialists today at 813-975-2800 or visit www.TampaCardio.com

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 01/02/2016

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