COVID Cases are Spiking in Florida – We Offer Tele-Visits to Help Keep Your Safe in Tampa, Florida

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: August 1, 2021

COvid stats ny times florida July

Helping Tampa, Florida Stay Healthy!

COVID-19 is caused by the coronavirus specifically SARS-CoV-2. Older adults and people who have significant underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from the illness. It can be the most dangerous as a secondary illness.

The statistics as of the end of July stand on July 23rd with the biggest spike in Florida so far with just over 27,000 covid cases diagnosed. That brings Florida up to 2.4 million so far. Though most have been lucky enough to recover, remnants remain in people’s health profiles from damages done (minor and major) with 38,000 deaths in total.

July covid map

As a reminder, make sure to wash your hands often and if you don’t feel well, please stay home. Take good care of yourselves, eat well, get sunshine, exercise, and take your vitamins and medications as directed. If you have underlying health issues already in play it is especially important for you to practice regular self-care. Make sure you are a priority in your own life and do what needs to be done to feel good and maintain.

Taking time to yourself and for yourself isn’t selfish. It’s kind.

Because of this our top priority is to keep all our patients at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates safe and healthy. We continue to remind you that we do offer telehealth visits.

stats covid july

We can now see you from the comfort of your own home to help prevent any further complications or spread of this virus. If you would like to schedule a Telehealth visit, please simply call our office at 813-975-2800 and we will accommodate your schedule and get you in as soon as possible.


Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 01/08/2021

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