Anxiety and How It Can Affect Your Heart and Cardiovascular Health

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: November 5, 2020

anxiety tampa cardio

With the election still up in the air the country is living in a high state of anxiety right now. It is not healthy for you. Breathe, take a step back, turn off your social media and the TV for a while and focus on what you can control – Your own life.

Anxiety can make your heartbeat faster than it should. You can feel tightness in your chest and your body may feel wired like you drank too much caffeine. Sometimes no matter if you lay down, drink some tea, relax, and even step away, your mind will just not quit racing and so in line goes your heart.

Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) can range from bothersome to serious depending on your overall health otherwise. In those who already have heart conditions it can increase blood pressure and if chronic can lead to coronary disease which over time weakens the heart muscle. This can lead to cardiac arrest and even death.

Heart palpitations are unpleasant and make working and daily life difficult. It can sometimes even be a challenge to catch your breath or you may catch yourself taking an extra deep inhale trying to make up for it.

Avoiding stressors, meditating daily, doing yoga, eating well, drinking plenty of water, and even working out to burn off endorphins can help. Recent studies show that watching the news is the number one cause of stress in 2020. Turn the TV off and go spend some time in nature. Go for a walk, or a bike ride.

If your heart palpitations continue despite trying all of these things its important to get your heart checked out to make sure the cause isn’t physical. The staff at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates of Tampa, Florida can help. Give us a call at 813-975-2800 or visit us online at

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 05/11/2020

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