Vegetarian and Vegan Diets May Raise Stroke Risk

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: January 6, 2020

Vegan Vegetarian Stroke risk Tampa Cardio

While vegetarians and vegans may have a lower risk of coronary heart disease when compared to meat-eaters, a new recent survey by the University of Oxford shows that they also may conversely have a greater stroke risk.

This study was based on data taken from a sample group of 48,000 adults between 1993 and 2001 with no history or family history of heart disease. They were asked questions about their medical history, diet, and lifestyle. This figure was broken down into categories: meat-eaters (24,428 people), vegetarians and vegans (16,254 people) or pescatarians (7,506 people).

These patients were followed via medical records over the years. In that time there was a total of 1,072 cases of stroke and 2,820 cases of coronary heart disease. Factors were considered such as sex, age, smoker or nonsmoker, and socioeconomic status. Vegans and vegetarians hold a 20% higher risk of having a stroke than their carnivorous counterparts.

The researchers believed that the increased stroke risk could be due to lower levels of certain vitamins among vegans and vegetarians.

The study concluded that “Whilst this is an interesting finding, this study is observational and doesn’t provide us with enough evidence, so more research in this area would be needed.”

While there is no one single “right” way to eat, eating a well-balanced diet that provides proper vitamins, nutrients and minerals are vital for overall health and wellness. Tampa Cardiovascular associates know nutrition. Our on-staff nutritionists can help you co-create a diet plan that will boost your health and vitality while supporting your heart.

If you need help putting together a diet plan that is right for your body, goals, and lifestyle, give our office a call at 813-975-2800 or visit us online to learn more

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 06/01/2020

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