Varicose Veins and Running

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: December 12, 2017

Are you a jogger or a runner and have started to notice your legs don’t feel quite right? Do you experience leg pain, swelling, a feeling of heavy legs, numbness, itching, or even notice veins starting to become visible?

This isn’t unusual and you aren’t alone. While running isn’t a major cause of vein issues if you already are beginning to develop varicose or spider veins for other reasons, running on hard surfaces like asphalt or pavement is a jarring motion and adds pressure to already weakening vein walls.

Avoiding hard pavement is a good idea. Choose softer surfaces that are more shock absorbent such as grass, dirt, or even rubber tracks and cushioned treadmills. Make sure to have good running shoes as well.

If your legs still feel very tired after a run, though you may not be in exact fashion, compression stockings can help with blood flow and allow your leg veins the support they need to not be exhausted at the end of a jog.

Running takes major energy and motivation. When you don’t feel particularly well the very last thing most of us care to do is go out an exercise. Your health is the most important asset you have.

If your legs show signs of worsening and veins begin to bulge it is important to see a Vein Specialist right away. If you are in the Tampa, Florida area we invite you in to visit the Tampa Cardiovascular Associates Vein Clinic. We are more than happy to schedule an appointment to take a look at your cardiovascular system and assess your vein health. From there we can make educated recommendations as to the best plan moving forward to ensure you the best venous health possible now and into your future.

Give us a call today 813-975-2800 or visit us online at

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 12/12/2017

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