The Effect Ibuprofen Can Have on Your Kidneys

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: July 14, 2021

Tampa cardiology tampa florid ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is a go to in many medicine cabinets. It’s great for relieving inflammation, reducing pain, and blocking headaches. It is sold OTC (Over the Counter) and because of this, is believed to be safe to take as recommended. Which is set at 1 200mg pill every 4 to 6 hours with a maximum limit of not more than 10 pills (2,000 mg) every 24 hours.

But what most people don’t realize is that even over the counter medications can come with potential side effects especially with extended or long-term use.

Potential Side effects of Ibuprofen

Nausea – This effect is present in nearly 10% of patients though vomiting is very rare.

Abdominal pain – NSAID medications can cause wear and tear on our gastrointestinal tract. Pain in the upper region of the stomach is a sign that it could be being caused by too much ibuprofen use.

Dizziness – If this comes with a rash or issues breathing you are allergic to ibuprofen and should discontinue use all together.

Headache – mild to moderate headache or rebound headaches have been reported.

Rash – seen in less than 10% of patients.

Heartburn – seen in less than 10% of patients. A burning sensation because the gastrointestinal tract has been or is being damaged.

Constipation – it is a well-known side effect of all pain medications that they can cause constipation.  With ibuprofen it happens far less than prescription pain killers presenting in less than 5% of patients.

Edema – Swelling of water build up in the legs can happen in less than 3% of patients.

Kidney Damage – Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is defined as a sudden impairment or decline in renal function. Previously known as acute renal failure (ARF), this is a serious condition that can be life-threatening if left undiagnosed.

Thrombocytopenia – Low blood platelet count. You need platelets to clot should you become injured.

Ibuprofen, taken in moderation, for most people is perfectly safe. We just wanted to make you aware that just because medications are sold OTC it doesn’t mean that they are side effect free.

Wishing you wonderful health!
All of us at Tampa Cardiovascular Associates


Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 14/07/2021

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