Signs That You Are Having a Stroke

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: February 24, 2016

Strokes occur when the blood being supplied to your brain is reduced or stopped for a moment, which can cause brain cells to die from lack of oxygen. This can happen due to a clot or a rupture a blood vessel, preventing blood flow to the brain. It is the number 5 leading cause of deaths in the United States. There are some important signs that you or someone you are with are having a stroke.

  • Trouble with speaking or comprehension. Slurred speech or confusion are signs of a reduction of oxygen to the brain.
  • Numbness or paralysis on one side of the body. Stroke victims typically feel their face, arms or legs go numb. Usually it is on one side of the body. If you can raise one arm and not the other, or when you smile it is lopsided, recognize this as a sign.
  • Loss of coordination. Difficulty in walking or balancing. The feeling of dizziness
  • Sudden headache
  • Loss or Limited Vision in one or both eyes

The American Heart Association has created an acronym to help the general public recognize and respond to a stroke. It is F.A.S.T because time is of the essence when an individual is suffering from a stroke.

Face Drooping: Notice if one side of the face appears to droop

Arm Weakness: Can the individual lift both of his/her arms? In a stroke, one can be weak and difficult to raise up.

Speech Difficulty: Can he/she speak clearly? Have him/her repeat a sentence to determine if they are slurring.

Time to call 911: If you or someone you know experience signs of a stroke, call 911 immediately. Keep track of the length of time that passes and communicate that to the paramedics.

It is imperative that as soon as you recognize that you or someone you are with are showing signs of a stroke that you call 911 immediately. The more time that passes without medical help can increase the amount of brain damage. Contact physicians at Tampa Cardiology Associates at (813) 975-2800 if you are concerned about your risks for a stroke.

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 24/02/2016

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