Fainting Spells Demystified

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: March 8, 2023

Although fainting is often associated with dramatic scenes in old-fashioned movies, it’s actually a sign that a serious medical condition is present. In the medical world, it’s referred to as syncope, and it can last for a brief amount of time. A fainting spell is usually caused by a lack of blood flow and oxygen

It Just Might Be Time to See a Nutritionist

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: March 1, 2023

When it comes to your health and way of eating, nothing is more valuable than the advice of a licensed nutritionist or dietician. Cookie-cutter diets don’t cut it. No two people have the exact same dietary needs. Nutritional specialists have special knowledge and understanding of how what we put into our bodies has on the

A Look at Heart Attack Recovery

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: February 27, 2023

A heart attack can be one of the most frightening events a person can go through. Panic is the first emotion felt, blended with fear. For those who survive, the recovery is vital for quality of life going forward. A heart attack’s effects can vary depending on the degree of damage done to the heart.

Heart Disease Remains the #1 Cause of Death

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: February 21, 2023

Heart disease remains the number 1 cause of death in the USA and globally. It is responsible for 16% of the world’s deaths due to illness. It is followed closely by cancer. It is for this reason we wanted to make everyone aware of the signs of heart disease and to remind you that it’s

Long-Term Cardiac Effects of Covid-19 and the Covid Vaccine

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: February 16, 2023

We are just about at the 3-year marker from the start of the pandemic in March of 2023. It has taken some time to see the results and gather data on how the coronavirus as well as potentially the vaccines for Covid-19 are playing out in society. A Look at The Stats COVID-19 survivors are

Things That Can Harm Your Heart Health You Might Not Realize

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: February 1, 2023

Let’s face it no matter how well you take care of yourself, health information in 2023 has gotten convoluted and confusing. It is a challenge to know who to trust and who to listen to. We wanted to give you a quick and dirty list of things to be aware of that can place you

Hypertension in Millennials and Gen Z, Yes, It’s a Thing

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: January 20, 2023

When you hear the words “High Blood Pressure” you might think of someone older. The truth is that more and more younger people are being diagnosed with hypertension. Millennial ranges from the birth year 1981 through 1996. That means that millennials are now as young as 27 and top out at 42. Generation Z followed

Coronary Angioplasty and Stent Insertion

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: January 12, 2023

You often hear of patients having to have a stent put into their heart, during a coronary angioplasty following a cardiac event. As it has become a regular procedure in recent years, we wanted to write an article to increase awareness of what this procedure is and what it entails, should it become necessary for

Wondering About the Bulging Veins in Your Feet – We Have the Answers

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: January 5, 2023

Are the veins in your feet bugging you? Some people have enlarged and prominent veins in their feet. It could be because the skin around them is more translucent, or it could be due to the vein size. There are also situations where the vein visibility and size are not normal genetic states. This begs