How Do You Know if Your Cardiovascular Health is Up to Par?
Posted by: Tampa Cardio
On: October 10, 2023

How Do You Know if Your Cardiovascular Health is Up to Par?
If you are like many Americans you go to the gym occasionally, you walk, you try and eat well. You may still wonder if your cardiovascular health is up to par?
The fact is that we, as a nation, are grossly out of shape and overweight. Nearly 1 in 3 adults (that is 30.7% of the population) are overweight. 2 in 5 adults (42.4%) are considered not just overweight but obese. According to the World Health Organization America is the most overweight country in the world.
This also goes hand in hand with the fact that 16.3 million Americans have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease. Heart disease is still the number one cause of death in the world and the USA. Someone dies from heart disease here in America every 33 seconds.
With frightening statistics like these wondering if you personally are in good cardiovascular health, is a logical next question.
How to tell if you are doing right by your heart…
- A healthy resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 beats in a minute.
- Calm breathing indicates your cardiovascular system is functioning as it should.
- Good dental and oral health are linked directly with a healthy heart. If you do not take good care of your teeth, the bacteria that can cause periodontal disease can get into your bloodstream. This leaking and spreading of bacteria can lead to plaque build-up and arterial inflammation posing a risk of heart disease.
- 120/80 – Normal blood pressure readings indicate that your heart is healthy. High blood pressure is linked with an elevated risk of stroke or heart attack.
- Healthy cholesterol levels in your blood enhance cellular production. High cholesterol levels in your blood can block blood flow, posing an increased risk of stroke and other cardiovascular disease.
- The ability to regain your regular heart rate after vigorous exercise shows your heart is healthy.
- The ability to live an active lifestyle shows that your heart is efficiently functioning, and your body cells get adequate nutrients and oxygen. i.e. You should be able to walk up several flights of stairs or a hill without getting out of breath.
On the contrary, if you get winded easily and feel out of breath with little or no exertion, it’s time to visit your cardiologist to check on your heart health and it would be a wise idea to consult with them about beginning an exercise regimen to boost and improve your heart health.
If you are in the Tampa, Florida area we would love to see you in our Tampa Cardiovascular Associates offices located conveniently throughout the Tampa Bay area. Give us a call at 813-975-2800 to schedule your appointment.
Posted by: Tampa Cardio
On: 10/10/2023