Smoking is Killing Your Heart

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: June 3, 2016

We all know that smoking is not healthy. Even the tobacco companies post warnings on their cigarette packaging. But, do you know how it hurts your heart and the risks that you take every time that you light a cigarette?


Cigarettes contain an addictive substance called nicotine. In addition, they also contain many other harmful agents that are basically poisoning your body. The combination of the highly addictive nicotine, the multitude of toxic substances, and the mental attachment to the habit is very dangerous.

You may think that smoking will only cause lung cancer, which in itself is terrible. But, smoking causes many other diseases in your body that not only limit your life, but can kill you.

Atherosclerosis is a disease in which fatty substances build up in the arteries creating a hardening plaque to form. This plaque constricts the space within the arteries, making it difficult to deliver blood efficiently to your brain, legs, arms, and pelvis. Sometimes, the plaque can break off and completely block a major artery, resulting in a heart attack or a stroke. Atherosclerosis is a main contributor to other diseases such as coronary heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, angina, and carotid artery disease.

If that does not convince you to stop smoking, then know that your risk of suffering a stroke increases dramatically if you smoke. Strokes can happen when you have plaque build up in your arteries which occurs in smokers. Strokes are one of the leading causes of death and disability in adult Americans.

By quitting smoking, you will not only feel better and breathe easier, you will dramatically decrease your risk of these dangerous, and preventable, diseases. Tampa Cardiovascular Associates support healthy living and encourage you to take the steps to quit smoking. Contact us for a consultation with our physicians at 813-975-2800 or contact us online at

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: 03/06/2016

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