Diet, Heart Health, and Catch Phrases

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: April 29, 2021

“You are what you eat.” & “Let Food Be Thy Medicine” – Two quotes that have stood the test of time. This long-standing duration in our language is due to the truth held in these two small phrases. While they may be considered catch phrases, the wisdom is valid.   What you choose to feed

PVC’s What They Are and How They Can Affect Your Health

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: April 19, 2021

Premature ventricular contractions, otherwise known as PVC’s, are extra heart beats that don’t fit into the normal rhythm. They begin in the lower ventricles. They disrupt the normal beat and can make you feel a fluttering in your chest. They can be disturbing, but the question is, are they dangerous? Though they can feel scary,

Why People Visit a Nutritionist and Why You May Want to As Well

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: April 16, 2021

In the beginning eating was simple. We had what the earth would provide locally. Fruit, vegetables, berries, nuts, and if you could catch it – meat. That was it. These days we have a gargantuan array of endless choices of foods. Some natural and some artificial. It is immensely confusing. With the introduction of processed,

Dietary Changes That Can Help Regulate High Blood Pressure

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: April 8, 2021

Unwanted side effects are the downside of blood pressure medication. Because of this many people tend to try and ignore their elevated readings. That isn’t a good idea. If you are concerned about your blood pressure but prefer not to take pharmaceuticals, we have some dietary suggestions to try first that may help control pressure

Heart Health Statistics for 2020

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: April 2, 2021

Heart disease is still the #1 killer in the United States despite the pandemic. While you may not be hearing a lot about heart disease in the news right now, it unfortunately has not gone anywhere. Death due to ischemic heart disease has risen 11% across the nation from 2019.  Deaths due to high blood