Heart Disease – Get The Facts

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: December 20, 2018

Heart disease is now the leading cause of death in the United States for both men and women. The fact is that one in four deaths last year (630,000 people) died from heart disease. The most common form of heart disease is known as coronary heart disease and accounted for nearly half of the heart

You May Be Risk For Peripheral Artery Disease

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: December 14, 2018

If you believe you may be experiencing PAD (Peripheral Artery Disease) you will want to contact your doctor right away to be treated. Symptoms include Leg pain even while resting, one leg much colder than the other, blueing of the toes or feet, lack of leg hair, nongrowing toenails, or ulcerations of the foot or

Could You Be Anemic?

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: December 7, 2018

It is currently estimated that 1.62 billion people globally and 3 million American’s are currently anemic. Could you be one of them? The most common telltale signs of anemia are feeling tired and run down. While its normal for all of us to wear out once in a while due to life and stress, if

Does Your Doctor Want You to Wear a Holter Monitor?

Posted by: Tampa Cardio

On: December 1, 2018

For the heart being such a small organ, it is vital for life and health that it be in good shape. Unfortunately sometimes our hearts get worn out, tired, and even diseased. At that point, you may begin to feel run down and even be able to detect that your heart just doesn’t “feel quite